Prophetic word from Helen Goatley
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As a prophetic person there is always a pressure around this time of the year to hear what God might be wanting to share for the new year. It wasn’t until last week, despite efforts to enquire that I sensed Him begin to speak on 2025.
The process of waiting on Him is so important. It was one of the first discipline’s He taught me years ago. It is a discipline to value and develop, vital for the moment we live in.
As I waited on Him, I sensed Him saying:
“Big. I want you to know that 2025 has BIG all over it.
Big days. Big ways. Big Faith. Big.
More than ever before I have wrapped this year in
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthains 2:9)
I want my people to know that when I say “Big”, I am speaking about beyond the current dimensions and scale of what is, into what has not been seen, heard or imagined.
Great significance and importance sits in moments that are coming full term. Their weight will impact generations.
Large faith is being stirred up within the spirit and heart of my people. A faith delighting in the impossible, fused in unmoving adoration of work and power of Jesus to redeem and breathe back to life.
This year will see a whole new level of my redemptive power. I can redeem anything and anyone. I am big and the genesis of big.
Be still hearts. All is well. Yes these are days of big emotion. Emotion acknowledges change and change rumbles with the heart.
Do not be alarmed when you feel you cannot grasp the bigness or significance of the day. Things are moving faster than your entire system can grab hold of. Your nervous system and cognitive processing can’t catch up.
I am coming and coming fast and quick. It is now a very different rhythm.
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” God’s Decree. “Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings!” (Amos 9:13)
This is why you need me. It is by My Spirit says the Lord of Hosts. I have got you. I have covered you. I am before you and I am behind you. I am the other person in the big with you. It is not just left to you. Your self sufficiency is not enough for where BIG will go this year.
You need me.
In these days of big, I invite you to walk by My spirit. Ask of me each day and I will lead you. Trust what you hear, see and sense from me because I am bigger than these big days.
I am saying to you today, walk by My Spirit, find out what belongs to you because I have prepared good things not seen, not heard nor imagined in this year of big.
1. Enjoy developing deeper awareness, discernment and consciousness of God’s Presence and communication with you
2. Continue maturing in your Spiritual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Relational Skills. Essentials in leadership and in discernment
3. Effective supernatural leadership requires a growth mindset. Leaders learn and as they do, they grow their spiritual authority and accuracy
4. In this membership we will focus on developing your spiritual gifts in discernment and prophetic wisdom
5. Develop the skills and lifestyle of breakthrough and advance
6. Make the supernatural, natural!