An elderly lady walked up to me after sharing some prophetic encouragement with a leadership team.
Smiling she reached out her hand to me and I shook it. She introduced herself and said, “You know that if the King of England had not of put his support and given his encouragement to Winston Churchill in WW2, I would not be here.”
That’s not a normal introduction. She had my attention.
She went on, “ During WW2 supplies to the Netherlands was cut off by the Nazi army. I grew up there and I remember my dad, who was a tulip flower grower, going out to the tulip crops and bringing back tulips. He would then pound them down to flour so we had something to eat. Often this was all we had, until the Allies broke through and liberated Holland.”
Hebrews 3:13 says “this is the time to encourage each other..” There are many critics, many keyboard warriors, many opinions. But what saves people’s lives literally, is not our opinions, not our criticisms, but our encouragement.
When we focus on what others are, we don’t stumble over what they are not. This is the heart and the power of encouragement. It reminds us again of our and others true identity, of what we and they can be, of the image of God that the Devil who name means slanderer, constantly wants to rob us all of.
The King of England knew he had power to encourage. So do you.
This is the time to incourage each other.
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