Prophetic Vision from Helen Goatley
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It was early in the morning and I was spending time with God when I began to see a vision. It was like a moving picture in my mind’s eye.
I submit it now for your encouragement and discernment.
I saw a line of brilliant white warrior angels wielding swords. Their swords were slicing through a big fat bellied python weakening it.
Suddenly an angel turned and handed me the sword. It was dazzling white. I feared holding it in my hand.
The angel sensing my concern, said to me, “Do not be afraid.”
I slowly reached out and grabbed hold of it. It was light. I was surprised. I could see a deathly sharp edge on it. It made me wonder why it had taken repeated hits by him to cut through the python.
I looked up into his man face and asked. He replied, “We are given levels of permission by the prayers of the Saints. Each time they pray, I am released to swing. But now this swing belongs to you. Be careful the blade is now even sharper, image bearer of the One True God.”
He turns and points to the spot I am to swing the sword to. I look and ask, “Now?” He nodded.
As I lifted up the sword, I was suddenly aware of other angels who had paused and were looking at me. A wash of emotion flooded me, but I was aware it wasn’t about me or what I was feeling. It was about hearing the instruction and doing it.
I lifted the sword, still surprising me with its lightness, and swung down.
The blade hit the belly of the python and disappeared. Instantly dissolving. I was shocked. The angels who had paused to watch erupted in celebration.
As I looked at the sword, I saw it was the robe of the righteousness of Jesus and I was reminded of Isaiah 54:19.
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against us in judgement, we condemn. This is our heritage as servants of the Lord, and OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS FROM YOU JESUS.”
I encourage today angels of breakthrough are in process. Keep praying! Every time we pray it releases them to swing the sword of breakthrough and hit the thing that is constricting, restricting and trying to suffocate movement and advancement, trying to suffocate our breathe, our existence, our voice.
Whatever is being constricted, every prayer you pray, every choice of righteousness, every choice to obey God and do what He asks, is weakening it and releasing angels of breakthrough.
And don’t be surprised if an angel shows up and hands you a sword. You may have the pleasure of swinging it and finally seeing that constriction disappear, because it is finally weakening.
Training Series that will give you the ability to live, love and lead successfully through connection, authenticity and courage.
How to Live the Power of Vulnerability is choosing safe connection rather than safe distance in our relationships, leadership, families and faith communities.
We all love the idea of living, doing and thriving in community but it’s a challenge to do connection and give of ourselves.
How do we make connection happen? How do we do and receive vulnerability?
“The most accurate measure of courage is Vulnerability” – Dr Brene Brown
This is for you, this year!
What Others Are Saying
“Unpacking the ideas in this course is dynamite! As a result of this course I have made a life decision to come out of my little hidy corner and face up to vulnerability courageously. To not give into fear anymore. This has been tremendously insightful for me. It was a treat indeed! Extremely amazing, insightful, encouraging and so gentle Helen’s teaching. His presence plus food for the soul and mind. Thank you Helen.”
L. POWER | Teacher, Australia