How to not get flung around like puppets on devil’s strings?

2 min read

Have you felt strangely ‘tossed around’ especially with your thoughts this last week? Unclear in your thinking, suddenly unsure of a decision and feeling drained in physical energy?

You are discerning something!

What on earth are you discerning and how can you stay steady?

Atmospheres tell you “it’s you!” No it’s not! It is in the atmosphere!

The spiritual atmosphere right now is targeting our faith with spirit of doubt and fear, and its target is our mind. It is double minded.

Why? Because as you read these words we are literally in a significant transitional moment. God always does transitions pulling on our faith. It’s how He works. 

Faith has this happy, scary (even terrifying sometimes) edge because it can look absolutely insane and completely impossible. It is always how God is revealed, because it needs God to do it!

The Bible says, “He who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:6-8

This word James uses for double minded is the word ‘dipsuchos’, it means two spirited that vacillates in opinion or purpose.

Sound familiar?

It is like suffering spiritual schizophrenia. When Holy Spirit and spirit of doubt collide, double mindedness and instability result. They cannot both coexist. 

So how do we get steady?

Discerners the enemy wants to stop you so by faith you don’t share and expose Him. Every time you question is this me or the atmosphere, you are practicing by faith, discernment. The enemy wants to stop you from cancelling in prayer what you are picking up.

You are dangerous! The Devil wants to stop your faith! This is His ultimate target! He wants to kill your faith so you don’t move forward along with the rest of God’s people around you.

The spiritual gift of Discernment lets you see what’s in the dark so you know how to get out of it.

Trust what God has said. Refuse and bind in prayer double mindedness. It is not you. It is a spiritual atmosphere! 

Remember HE IS WELL ABLE TO KEEP YOU. “To him WHO IS ABLE to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—” Jude 1:24

Trust God and shut down any other suggestion. Zero tolerance! No doubleminded.

This is how we stay steady and have no strings on us!


“I loved Transformational Supernatural Leadership Season 2 – Discernment. I was really wanting to improve my discernment and found Helen at All4Him. It has been pivotal in increasing my understanding of my myself, learning more about spiritual discernment, what holds us back and conversely what releases us into who we are meant to be. Helen is a gentle and skilled educator, teaching spiritual insights with authority, wisdom and grace. If you are considering this, go for it! The deeper you dive the more benefit you will get from this important training.” 

-Lisa, Artist Australia