Developing Wholehearted Leaders and Teams

Professional Development Training for Christian Organizations

In a climate of extreme change where our world is more complex and uncertain, our capacity to live and lead courageously and discerningly is vital. 

What does living courageously to our values look like especially in our Western culture that is highly saturated with fear and shame? How do we maintain connection with each other in a world where disconnect rules? What is the power of vulnerability and how do we create resilience so everybody in our team shows up? How do we lead cultures where authenticity and wholehearts define us? How do we do this personally or corporately?

You will be inspired and equipped practically to live courageously with sharper discernment spiritually, relationally and emotionally.

Industry Awarded and one of our most popular trainings, Living Courage consists of four foundation stones to building courageous and connected leaders, life-styles and cultures.

The four modules are:

  1. The Power of Vulnerability
  2. Living Emotionally Intelligent
  3. Building Powerful Shame and Honor Resilience
  4. Breakthrough Fear and Master Courage

What You Will Learn

  • Develop greater Self-Awareness – Essential for effective Leadership
  • Increase confidence and success in connection, emotional intelligence, empathy and honor resilience
  • Identify individual and team mindsets and build courageous cultures

  • Practical skills and tools to build authenticity and cultures of connection

  • Empowering encounters with the Grace of God and strengthen your identity of who you are in Jesus Christ and the spiritual authority that comes with that

  • Engaging, practical training interspersed with self evaluation and group tasks to help you revise and consolidate the learning
  • Biblically based

Living Courage is the result of the research of Dr Brené Brown, Dr Curt Thompson, Dr Caroline Leaf and Danny Silk.

Ideal for Leadership, Management or Staff Teams within Business, Christian Ministry or the Education Sector and Connect groups. All we need is a minimum group size of 10.

Purchase Living Courage Manual

Manual only or Manual+Postage (within Australia only)

What Others Are Saying

“This training is one of the most significant marker moments in my life and leadership. This will empower our culture to much more effectiveness and will change how people experience us and what we do here.”

R.THORPE | Senior Leader, Youth With A Mission, Canberra, Australia

“I would personally like to endorse Helen Goatley’s Living Courage Training on shame and culture shift in our society. It was incredibly insightful and you will go away with many things to think about on how these vital issues relate to your situation or organisation. Helen is engaging and enthusiastic – you will not be disappointed.”  

D. WAKEDeputy CEO, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Australia

“Taking part in the Living Courage training with Helen marked some of the most transformative and insightful processes I have had with God in my journey with Him thus far. I have been particularly impacted by understanding the role that shame and honour has played in my life, and challenged to practice love unconditionally as a result of understanding how un-confessed shame erodes the quality of the love that God has called us to. This training awakened me to a new method of communicating with others, particularly in the realm of evangelism, as the Gospel can penetrate a shame culture and bring the Spirit’s freedom to Australians struggling with their own identity. Personally, I feel that I now understand how to better love myself in a way that empowers me to love and lead others better as a result of exposing shame-based thinking and replacing it with courageous, loving and faithful thought processes! Thank you, Helen!” 

 C. MACLEOD | Church Planter and Pastor, Australia

“Unpacking the ideas in this course is dynamite! As a result of this course I have made a life decision to come out of my little hidy corner and face up to vulnerability courageously. To not give into fear anymore. This has been tremendously insightful for me. It was a treat indeed! Extremely amazing, insightful, encouraging and so gentle Helen’s teaching. His presence plus food for the soul and mind. Thank you Helen.”

L. POWER | Teacher, Australia

“Helen displays a wealth of knowledge on how shame and fear affect relationships and individuals. Her presentation was insightful, developing the connection between Sociological research on shame and vulnerability and the spiritual impact on individuals, communities and nations. She worked with our group articulating the problems currently facing our culture and indicating a number of ways forward into resilience, wholeheartedness and courage.”

J. EVANS | Teacher, Donvale Christian School, Australia

”Key to a church leader’s health and effectiveness in Kingdom work is the understanding and management of self and others. The Living Courage workshop provided me with profound insight and practical tools that I have drawn upon again and again in my work. I feel better able to identify vulnerability and to know how to lead others and myself towards creativity and courage, which has released people into greater freedom in Christ. An incredibly helpful workshop led with great clarity and energy by Helen, that I would recommend to church leaders, or to anyone desiring to better know themselves and others.”

Rev C. OGDEN | Anglican Church, Australia

“My wife, Deborah, and I are Ministers at Intermountain Conservation Camp in California, USA. This is a minimum security facility which is part of the California State Prison system. Helen accompanied us in April of 2018 and did a Shame/Honor Resilience Workshop with the men. It was exciting how the men responded to this and received revelation that they could go free from the shame of their past and build resilience.  Her style of presentation was very connecting and the men entered in by responding with their own thoughts and feelings. They trusted her, and she brought hope to the men.  I would recommend her to minister this message to your group.”

Rev R. FRIESE | House of Prayer, California, USA

“Our group had the privilege of having Helen come along and deliver the Living Courage course over 4 weeks – Wow! – we were blown away! The depth of content each week was challenging, inspiring, startling and encouraging. We have taken several weeks to unpack all the content since the course, there is so much to process, on a personal level and as a group. The depths of the teaching and how the research mostly sits with ‘common sense’ which sits with the Word of God. We have grown in our ability to be vulnerable as a group and this has been extremely beneficial for us all. I would thoroughly recommend this course for anyone who isn’t satisfied with the superficial, anyone who seeks to understand more of God’s heart for authenticity and anyone who seeks to love and care for others in more helpful ways. ”  

K. KITCHEN, Personal Trainer, Australia

“We had the privilege of having Helen lead a day of Living Courage. It blessed many and was a turning point in identifying what was holding us back in living in full abundance of what God has for us. She helped us to become aware of what is happening in today’s culture and how it can shut us down spiritually and bound us up emotionally. The day was engaging and fun. Helen shares from her own journey, and passionately offers the gold in which she has discovered in her walk with Christ.”

G. DENCH | Leader Women’s Ministry, Planetshakers, Australia

About Helen

This series is taught by Helen Goatley B.A. Dip Ed. Dip Theol

Helen Goatley is an inspirational thought provoking keynote Speaker and Trainer who carries a huge heart for God. She loves expanding people with hope and coming alongside individuals and teams to develop their ability and capacity to live connected and in excellence. Helen brings over 20 years International experience.

Helen studied at The University of Melbourne, La Trobe University and Melbourne College of Theology. She has also studied under Dr Brene Brown of University of Houston, USA where she completed Dr Brown’s Living Brave Semester, The Wisdom of Story and Self-Compassion Semester. Helen has also completed Dr Brown’s Dare to Lead Curriculum, bringing over 20 years of experience and training in Education, Anthropology and Leadership

Helen along with her husband Mark, are the Founders and Directors of All4Him, an International Christian Ministry. They provide Professional Consultancy and Training for Leaders, Christian Communities and Organisations. Helen and Mark have lived and founded this organisation in Europe, USA and Australia.

Helen manages the All4Him Online Training School with hundreds of students from over 30 different countries. Courses offered equip individuals and work teams in cultivating spiritual, emotional and relational transformation and maturity. 

Helen provides Spiritual Consultancy and Professional Development training to the Christian, Education and Business sectors. She is recognized as a Supervisor for Leaders by the Churches of Christ Victoria/Tasmania and the Baptist Union of Queensland

Helen has worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators, YWAM and All4Him. Prior to this, Helen was teaching in the Education Sector in Australia. 

Helen enjoys painting, snow shoeing and cycling.

Want to Host a LIVE Living Courage Training?

Here’s what you want to know.

Our Training fee for Churches: $70 per participant for a one or two half day Living Courage Training, $30 Manual, plus travel and accommodation expenses for interstate or international covered. (Minimum of 10 participants needed). 

Our Training fee for Schools: All day inservice to staff group $990 per day, plus $35 Manual, plus travel and accommodation expenses for interstate or international covered.

Our Training fee for Business: Instructor and Manual $250+GST set up Fee, then $990 per day, all day training, plus travel and accommodation expenses for interstate or international covered.

Our Training fee for Missions: $65 per participant, $30 Manual, plus travel and accommodation expenses for interstate or international covered.


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