Why transition and change is challenging

Every time change kicks down the door and comes stomping in, it forces us to look at something new, beginning a negotiation with us to let go of the familiar.

This week the calendar of God turned over as Rosh Hashanah was celebrated worldwide (also known as Feast of Trumpets in Leviticus 23). It marks the beginning of the new year 5784. As always with beginnings of anything, we feel the uncertainty and vulnerability of the unknown.

There is an enemy that stalks such moments. This enemy if left unchecked will bring destruction not only to our capacity to move into change, but to our very souls, callings and lives. It is one of the most insidious, subtle and dangerous. One heaven and God himself has been impacted by.

What is this that is so lethal? 


At some point in our lives we have seen it and lived with the unpleasant presence of it in others. Being brave, authentic we say something about it whilst hoping we can successfully dodge the wild swinging ego. Aggravated, disappointed, we sigh and walk away knowing change is delayed. 

Strangely we can be less zealous about it in us. 


It is a human experience.

It is spiritual too. Pride is a spirit that works on us. In the spiritual realm the Principality of Pride is called Leviathan. Job 41 gives us a depiction of this spirit.

In Psalm 74:14 it says, “You crushed the heads of Leviathan and let the desert animals eat him.”

Pride has many heads, all of which when we engage with will make change and transition not only more challenging but will eventually shut us off from it.

If you are in the midst of change or you can see it coming, consider if any of these ‘heads’ are rising up in you. Take the checklist and pray through it. Use as preparation. Don’t let this enemy stalk and sabotage your capacity for change. Refuse to miss all that God is bringing and wanting to be for you in this beginning.

(from Debbie Berteau, “Back to the Altar”)

But we missed you! Why not consider this for 2024?

Many of us don’t think of ourselves as leaders. We may not have been taught how to be leaders or think like leaders. But that’s just the thing, no matter where or what season you are in, others watch you, others are inspired by you. They might not say much, but they are watching! Every time you speak out faith, every time you operate in hope, you are leading

When you said “yes” to Jesus and invited the Holy Spirit in, your leadership exploded. Christ within you! The Hope of Glory! Jesus said we are the light on the hill, the salt in the earth, carriers of not only His presence but His kingdom.

You are a new creation. You are the head and not the tail. You are a leader of light, of another option for the world, and of another kingdom. Regardless of what personality you have, what you do, where you live or how old you are or aren’t, you are a leader and you were God’s choice!

“This is an extraordinary course full of great exercises. At first it was daunting but when I put that all aside and just listened it was amazing. Thank you for all you have taught me and helped me with. I have learnt so much already and continue to learn. I am so grateful for the teaching, the experience, the encouragement, the opportunity and the practicality. This his an amazing and exciting journey.”

– J. WEEKS | Pastor, Embrace Church Australia