Why Israel

Ever had seasons where God only seems to be talking about one thing, all the time? Years ago I was in such a season and what He predominately spoke to me about was Israel.

At first it caught me by surprise, but then as time with Him went on, He took me through His Word growing a hunger to know more of this part of His heart.

I invite you now to share in this part of my journey. As you read this, I invite you to open your heart and mind to God who loves you. 

The Jewish people have always been a prophecy of the condition of the nations. It is the most important barometer of the condition of mankind, as well as a prophetic clock for the last days. It is also an assayer of the hearts of men. 

In Romans chapters 9-11, we read of the spiritual seed of Abraham, those who are grafted into the vine by their faith (the Gentile Christian), and the natural seed of Abraham, the Jew according to the flesh, will join in purpose. When they do, it will open a bridge between the heavenly realm and earthly, leading to the restoration of all things lost by the Fall.“1.

God has made declarations about Israel that He has made about no other nation or people group. Israel is chosen by Him for a divine purpose as Isaiah declares, ‘I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator and King. I have made Israel for Myself, and they will someday honour Me before the whole world.’ (Isaiah 43:15, 21)

To understand God’s purposes for our nations, we must understand God’s heart and purpose for Israel. For many centuries the Church has taught that God has rejected the Jews and the Church has replaced them. This ‘replacement theology’ is unbiblical and a contradiction to the unchanging character of God. We the ‘grafted branch’ spoken of in Romans 11, has missed knowing and experiencing this part of God’s heart and nature.

Late 2004 in Tel Aviv, I was confronted with my ignorance and indifference to Israel and the Jewish roots of my Christian faith. Not only did I know little about the Jewish heritage as a believer in Jesus, but I had no esteem for it. There was a void in my experience and understanding of God’s heart that was of the utmost importance to Him. My interest in Israel was merely historical.

In the covenant God made with Abraham, Father of Israel, He declares to curse those who curse Abraham and his descendants. The root word for ‘curse’ here means ‘to esteem lightly’. Out of ignorance I had lightly esteemed my Jewish brothers and sisters. As these weeks turned to months in Israel, I grew an understanding, value and compassion for the people God calls ‘His children’.

With the Lord there always is an external result of what He does within. During this time, I felt a strong conviction from the Spirit to ask forgiveness for my ‘light esteeming’ of the Jewish people. This confession was met with blessing and an animated embracing warm of acceptance from our Jewish friends.

History speaks with gruesome detail how the Gentile Church and nations have ‘lightly esteemed’ Israel.

In Romans 11:12 Paul challenges us, ‘Now if the fall of them (Israel) be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness?’ There is a fullness yet to come for Israel. We are invited to bless them and see them obtain this fullness.

To dwell in the presence of the Lord, is to know Him more and that which is in His image. He longs to invite us to bless Israel by rightly esteeming his chosen people. For Israel is about is the honor of His name.

It is the Father’s heart to restore all that has been lost. Our purpose together as the ‘one new man’ Jew and Gentile is to be a dwelling where God by His Spirit lives.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 



  1. Joyner. R, Taking the Land, Part XXVII. July 31 2006
  2. Translation used NIV.

*This text may only be used with full acknowledgement of this website all4him.org; or with the author’s permission.