What comes next is for the curious

Prophetic Word

The sun was moving from mid afternoon to late afternoon when the Lord said to me, “What comes next is for the curious.” There was a warm mischievous childlike smile in His eyes.

We have been in a time of correction. Each correction, yes an unpopular term, but its lack of popularity does not negate its reality. Each correction brings into focus something that was not in the movement with the last development.

Financial markets know this. Parents wrestle with this. Coaches watch carefully for it.

As the sun begins to set on this time, we are being invited to lean into curiosity.



Curiosity is not for the faint of heart nor for the proud or the bastions of certainty. Yet we are all born curious, ever been around a 2 year old? Curiosity doesn’t like rules, it prefers and delights in diversions, unexpected excursions and impulsive left turns. It like the investigative two year old, is unruly. Order and two year olds generally are not used in the same sentence. Ask any mother.

Corrections on the other hand, have their way of bringing tears, pain, endings… humility… and new things.

Ask any athlete striving for that one second increase that is the difference between selection for the Olympic team and missing out.

Watch any two year old when Mummy or Daddy does not allow them to tantrum anymore.

John wrote these words while on the Island of Patmos,

“I heard a thunderous voice from the throne, saying: “Look! God’s tabernacle is with human beings. And from now on he will tabernacle with them as their God. Now God himself will have his home with them—‘God-with-them’ will be their God! He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and eliminate death entirely. No one will mourn or weep any longer. The pain of wounds will no longer exist, for the old order has ceased.” And God-Enthroned spoke to me and said, “Consider this! I am making everything to be new.” 

Revelation 21:3-6



The old order has ceased, on many levels and in many ways. Corrections have their way of seeing to this.

The greatest correction was the cross. It forever changed the course of humankind. God with them in the person of Jesus, did away with the old order of things, and since then God is making everything new because this is the very heartbeat of who He is. The goodness of God always finds its way to radical reversals and redemption. It is His nature. When this happens, we all see it is because of God and He is glorified.

Corrections and curiosity have a way of being a genesis to hope.

Our lives, our moments, our nations, our futures don’t just hinge on the realm of humankind, their power, their opinions, their capabilities, their ideologies. There is a sovereignty at work that is far greater, far superior, far better. 

Canon Andrew White puts it this way,

No man can reverse the sovereign actions of God, only God can reverse the actions of man. Esther sought the King’s favor to enforce a sovereign reversal of the letters of evil intent written by Haman. She saw to it that the death sentence awaiting her people as not simply withdrawn but fully reversed and replaced by a display of favor, honor, and divine recompense that included the immediate removal of the oppressor. This is a wonderful picture of the outstretched arm of the Lord interrupting overriding and radically reversing the schemes of the enemy.1.”

No doubt about it, what comes next is for the curious.

The sovereignty of God is making all things new and it will be seized by those who choose curiosity. 


  1.  White Andrew, Glory Zone in the War Zone: Miracles, Signs, and Wonders in the Middle East, p. 52, Destiny Image, Shippensburg PA, 2020
  2. Gruber, M.J., German, B.D., and Ranganath, C. (2014) published October 22, 2014, in the journal Neuron, 84, 2:486-496. 

Some suggestions from the road..

  1. Remember God is judge not you, not me. Judgement is a nemesis to curiosity. Leave the judgement stuff to God.
  2. Practice active listening. Inviting feedback and listening actively to what others are saying is an important part of both curiosity and humility. Listen with an open mind. Leave your assumptions or preconceptions at the door.
  3. Value learning over knowing. A growth mindset believes you have the ability to grow, improve and learn. It sees obstacles or failures as a chance to grow. A study suggests that the brain’s chemistry changes when we become curious, helping us better learn and retain information.2.
  4. Choose humility. It has been asserted that one of the key factors that drives curiosity is humility. Being humble is to be free from pride and arrogance – is central to curiosity because it tells us that we don’t know everything there is to know.
  5. Get comfortable with uncertainty and look for the creativity of God. After all it was who He defined Himself as first to humankind. 

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