The time of the Bright Morning Star

There is an new explosion of words flooding forth in my spirit. New stirrings. A burden for Israel burning within. Yeshua our cornerstone, connecting Jew and Gentile. Yeshua the “Root & the Offspring of David”. I submit this for your encouragement & discernment.

“I speak to the South
Give up my children!
I speak to the North
Do not hold them back!
I am with you
whatever comes.
You are the apple of my eye.
Yeshua is calling
Yeshau is calling – he’s calling you.
Yeshua is calling – he’s inviting you
My Spirit is calling in these end days
My Wind is stirring a new
to a thing you could not of imagined.
I make all things new.
This is a day of new beginnings
new ways
new calls from my spirit.
It is a day of prophecy fulfilled
my plans & purposes completed.
A day of my mighty strong arm
witnessed in your midst.
A day of new songs, new dances
when those with young shall lead.
A day of a new generation
with fire in their eyes
& passion in their hearts for me,
who think of the old no longer
nor know even of it.
For it is a new day.
The time of the morning star.”