It comes.They will be tested.
They will be tried.
Even now the armies of heaven stand & gather their shields and spears.
Even now the Prince of this earth runs around in mischief
and bluff.
Even now my eye is upon the sparrow…and the fox. (Song of Songs 2:15)
A great awakening is taking place in the hearts of the saints,a great stirring in the evening hours.
For this is a time of great repentence.
A call to my people
before the captain of war sends forth his troops.
They gather and assemble as a great and mighty black storm on the horizon.
They have my saints
my chosen ones
my first born
in view, in their sights.
This is a day of unparalleled power.
This is a day to be sure
of hidding in the chambers
a day of victory and triumph
and of fall.
The storm gathers
so must my people.
Gather together
gather with my people – the chosen ones of Israel.
This is a day of gathering
as a mother hen gathers her chicks
so shall I, who listen to me.
I am on the move.
Watch for me.