The Australian Shake…

As we met with some intercessors, the following impression was received. The Most High God – El Elyon – is rising up and making a way for Himself!

“The underground is stirring across this land.
As they stir, things will shake.
The ground will shake.
The heavens will shake.
The economy will shake.
Relationships will shake.
There is nothing that the power of this shaking will not touch.
But this is a shaking like none before.
This is the Australian shake.

It is the shake of the hand.
The shake of reconciliation.
The shake of a bride’s heart as she sees her bridegroom.
The shake of heart’s connecting
of meeting
Of relationship begun.
The shake of the hand.


This shake will unite not only this vast nation.
But key nations as we stand in a pivotal moment of history.
Together we will advance and lead into a way not walked before.
Together the fire of His passion,
The fire of His love will set a world ablaze like never before.
He is roaming the earth
Looking and finding his lovesick lovers
Who receive His hand,
and walk with Him. (Josh 3:3-4)
A bride prepared.
A co-heir of His son.

Such is the moment that is upon us.”

17 March 2012  – Helen Goatley