The shame is gone.

I have just gotten off the phone from a friend in Munich. Amongst other things, we were talking about the recent powerful, prophetic event where a group of Israeli worshippers came under invitation, to the city on the 70th anniversary of Kristalnacht, which originally happened in Munich. (This is recognised as the time when Hitler started his Nazi persecution of the Jews.) The event bought praise and welcome to an anniversary where racism and murder had reigned.

This friend of ours is an intercessor and has spent many hours / years praying for and discerning things from God over the city. She is an important person in the spirit for Munich. On the Saturday she was in the city showing a high place to a visitor when she heard the Lord whisper to her, “The shame is gone”.
The next day she was stunned to hear from an Israeli pastor who was speaking, that “the shame had gone”. God was revealing a powerful truth that He had worked from the faithful actions of Germans and Jews present at the event. He has removed the shame, and coincidently mentioned it to both parties.

Having lived in Germany, we have seen and comprehended just a tiny part of the shame carried by all German’s over World War 2 and the holocaust. This breakthrough is absolutely wonderful. This is very, very powerful and very significant. Thank you Lord that this is now broken in the spirit.

Let’s own this declaration/truth from God. ‘The shame is gone’ and we declare freedom over Germany, Israel and every soul born in them. Lord may they deeply know your love, peace and freedom of heart.

Added about an hour later..
I have just been reminded of a moment back in 2004 when I was in Israel. We were speaking with a German lady and while we were talking she felt to tell us about a vision the Lord had given her.
It was of an event horse being very correctly and well ridden around a tight arena. This horse and rider were doing everything very rigidly and well, perfect even one might say. But then she said that while the horse was doing great and that it was very controlled, that that wasn’t what God had created horses for, God told her that He created horses to run free, out in open space to gallop and to be free with their manes flowing in the wind. She thought that this picture represented the German people, that they were stuck in the eventing arena perfecting their circles. The lady then went on to tell us that in this type of eventing that the only way for a horse and rider to leave the arena is when someone calls out ‘Door Free’. She then went on to say that she thought that it would have to be a non German to tell the Germans this, that maybe this was why Helen & I were returning to Germany at the time.
Very strongly in the Spirit and from here, Australia ‘the Great South land of the Holy Spirit,’ I sense to call out right now ‘TÜR FREI’