“It is not the first time in history that God has required a people to be ready for a paradigmatic change.
Many generations have longed to see the glorious impact of God’s Kingdom tangibly into their own time & space, & failed to see what we are about to experience.
At this point then we must be prepared to learn from the disciples on the road to Emmaus & be ready for our hearts to burn within us as we consider Him opening our eyes to new perspectives & possibilities that we haven’t yet even considered in the Scriptures. What a paradigmatic change was in store for them & is yet for us!”
(Roger & Mary Mitchell, Target Europe, 2001)
Since reading these words in 2005 while living in Europe, they have echoed in our spirits over & over again with pulsating rhythm.
When Jesus appeared to his two friends on the road to Emmaus, they had no idea of all that was about to unfold into world.
Passover was finished for these two friends of Jesus & now they waited for the Feast of Shavuot (Pentecost). But this year they had no idea of what radical change would come their way.
This year the Spirit of God would dwell IN them, pouring out his “Spirit on all flesh” (Acts 2:17); doing something God had NEVER done before…. giving himself to the Gentile not only the Jew.
Now again here we are, on the road between Passover & Shavuot (Pentecost). The invitation beckons again…. Are we ready for God to mess with our paradigm’s? Our paradigms of how we see Him, ourselves, our nations, His Church? Every holy cow in our paradigm He will mess with.
Are we ready for His Kingdom to come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven?