Make a name for the Lord.

Today I was in the most precious place on earth. This place was a time. It was the time Father asks of me several times weekly to meet with Him. It is an appointed time. I call it affectionately, TT (Tabernacle Time).

This time the Lord took me to Isaiah 55. As I meditated on these words I was struck by the cleanness of the Word of God. There is something profound & supernatural that takes place when God’s Word contacts with our spirit. It engages us, bringing order & sense of clearing deep within.

Anyway, I was holted by the words, “and it shall make a name for the Lord” (55:13b).

When we ‘go out’ as Apostles, the Word of God says this will be marked by joy & peace (55:10). This joy & peace are not dependant on circumstances but on Him. Our joy & peace are in Him, not in things that are temporary. The fruit of this is that it ‘makes a name for the Lord’.

I want to make a name for the Lord, not myself or anything else. What a mind blowing thought that we can make a name for the Lord!

How we follow Him, makes a name for Him on the earth.

This is not the day of one man ministries, power churches or organisations that seek to glorify themselves. This is the day of the LORD & His name is what is to be exalted. The call of any Apostle is about this, making a name for the LORD!

Who are you making a name for?