My worship to you

And so this moment has been visited upon me again.


Here, I have come to lay it all down at the feet of the ONE.

He has beckoned me again.

Beckoned me to surrender ALL,




This is a sacred, hallowed place.

A place of great tenderness,


& trust.


In so many ways, this is what holiness looks like,

at least in my journey, my story.


This is abandoned worship… abandoned living.


A lifestyle of consecutive moments where what is precious, what is dear, what is loved greatly in my heart,

is offered & laid down at His feet.

In this sacred moment

I relinquish what I grew to love, gave in sacrifice for…

to HIM.


And today on this day of global worship, this is my worship.


All He has given me, I give to Him.

And I trust Him again.


And He begins again to steal my heart away.


This is the dance

the romance.


This is my song of worship to you today, my Jesus.

You have my ‘YES’ again




anytime. Lord I am willing.


You have my ‘Yes’ again.

This is my worship to you, the fairest of them all.