Love’s invitation

It is with pleasure that I introduce to you a dear friend, who upon being consistently in the private place with Jesus her lover, has offered to share some of this journey with you. May you be blessed as you marinate in these words, images & invitation, especially as the world shakes again looking for a ‘safe haven’.

Dripping Myrrh

“What is the story behind the words love, oneness, consummation?  What is the Heart whispering to the heart?

Peering into the process of learning to trust the Voice, the call, the invitation, we see a glimpse of the wooing heart of Jesus in Song of Songs 5:2-6.

There we find the beloved in her chamber, washed and reclining, at rest.  But her heart is awake and calling, “Open to me, my beloved.”

With pained reluctance, she hurls her excuses perhaps in weariness, maybe pride, or even shame.  Can a lover love so much that he withdraws in order to create true freedom in response?

Without anger, without frustration, without condescension, He, who is perfect love, paints oil on the very barrier inhibiting consummation.

Not just any oil, it is the oil of myrrh!
It’s the ointment of healing, a life preserver.

It’s the priceless balm of a burial spice.
It’s the wealth of a King mixed with the bride price.

The fragrance of sacrificial love stings, yet it leaves the residue of grace.
……the Invitation remains, but now… there is space.

This is not distance, as if abandoned, but space that punctuates freedom.

“Come unto me or stay in your chamber, either way my Heart is alive and passionate for you. You can’t alter the depth of my love.  I will endure with you until you know you are truly free to receive all of who I am, wherever you are.”

“Open to me. Come unto me.”  Can you hear it ring?  Can you feel it pull on the aches of your heart to be known, to be rescued, to be defended, to be lavished upon?
“Open to me, my perfect one!”  He’s calling…….

The invitation is the fragrance of sacrificial love!  The invitation is in the space between His advance and our response!  The invitation is to be free to be loved wholly, extravagantly, openly.

You see, beloved, Jesus means to draw you out from the chambers of your rest and into the chambers of His heart, eternal rest!  He purposes to envelop you with His waves of mercy and unconditional agape!  He desires to arrest you in the day, in the night, in the upper room, at the city gates!

There is a scandalous reality that the purity of His holy love intimately manifests in the unseen chasms of the inner being,  yet it is fully flaunted in the world.

Beloved, let Him love you in the lowliest of valleys, at the height of the heavens, at the table before your enemy, and in the secret place.  No more compartments of love!  The invitation stands for us to move from portions of love into an experience of its fullness!

He’s knocking on the door of our hearts.  He’s knocking…..not ambushing, not demolishing, but knocking.  Can you feel His gentleness?

Can you see the goodness in the freedom He offers?

Will you permit yourself to respond to love and in so doing, be free indeed?

Even the “yes” in your spirit will lead you to open the door,
and there you’ll be met by love’s oil, dripping myrrh.”

Amy Eben, Colorado USA