Living in a Miracle

Right now I am sitting in a house just near Luton on the outskirts of London.

It is a miracle of God’s provision as we were going to stay in Cambridge over Easter, but the people we were to stay with had not finished renovations on their house and the situation with them, while incredibly generous was not looking like it was going to supply us with any rest. After 5 weeks on the road we really need this Easter break.

We had a couple of appointments with YWAM leaders over here (an hour and a bit away) and Ina told us that a house was available as the owner was in Melbourne, Australia (if you don’t mind) visiting family.

So once again we are experiencing Gods amazing rent free provision of a double story house this time in England.

God you are amazing and I Love living my life for you, and while it is stretching I love living in a space where we look to you to see your hand instead of filling in the gaps ourselves, thank you God that you are good and real and that you love to intervene and show your love and care.

On Tuesday we drive to Scotland, then York, then home after a few days in London.