In Control

I know God is in control. I truly believe that, but then there are times when things happen that just make you smile. We are so covered and He so has things sovereignly ordered. Ours really is just to:
1/ Get in a position to be hearing His voice, whatever that takes and
2/ Do what He asks whether we understand it or not.
We have just come from our regular worship night. While there, Steffi talked about how after reflecting on our news of hearing from God that ‘we were to return to Australia’, she had felt like she did just after “giving birth’. Like the baby was now out and that the “job was done’. After all of the ‘having a baby’ and ‘having 2 babies’ words and metaphors that we have received and believed, this was an amazing word. It also seemed so right, we were all  sitting there saying  “wow it’s done’. What a load off our shoulders. Later in the night Roger shared that on Thursday night he believed he had heard from God, to offer to transplant the entire physical tabernacle from our apartment to a space in theirs. (which happens to be in the east) Again this seemed so right, it was an amazing time. The Tabernacle will remain in Munich in a German home.

The Munich Tabernacle was never Helen’s & my idea, it was God’s and He simply asked us to carry it for awhile, to come here and to plant seeds. The three ladies that have such a huge heart for Tabernacle here in Munich didn’t get the vision from us they got it from God direct, and now the establishment of His Tabernacle here in München, is truly going to be done in His time and in His way. I mean why not it is His vision and idea after all. Tabernacle is all about people going to God direct, and about Him doing it! Now this is how He wants to play it out in Munich.

Also now we are hearing from people back in Melbourne who are keen to talk about such a place back there, seems He has prepared the way. So God! So all in hand and all covered. None of it in the timing and way that we would have done it, none. But it’s not understanding that matters, it’s obedience.

What’s the word for obedience without understanding? Is it Faith?

This is how you walk in the supernatural.