15 years ago at a YWAM Leaders Training in the UK, one of the Trainers invited us to read through the Bible and draw a heart next to the word heart, every time we read it.
Well 15 yrs on, I’m still drawing hearts as I read through the bible.
I am not alone. There is a movement, an awakening of the heart that is taking place globally.
When I read these words recently from Minouche Shafik of the London School of Economics, I was excited and amazed. This is from the London School of Economics!!
“In the past, jobs were about muscles, now they’re about brains but in the future they’ll be about heart.”
Proverbs 23:7 says “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Your heart thinks! It has thoughts and stories.
Whether it is some of the great Christian leaders of our time like Henri Neuwon, Danny Silk, Bill Johnson or the late Jan Vanier, or influential Social Scientists like Brene Brown or NeuroSurgeons like Dr Caroline Leaf, the world is beginning to address what the Bible has for thousands of years talked about, the heart.
Infact the leading field of research in Psychology currently is Heart Math.
There is an awakening of the inner journey not just the outer journey of our lives that is gaining considerable momentum in the western world.
God has always loved and valued the heart over and above the external. He doesn’t trip up on our appearance or behaviours.
“For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7
It’s actually our heart journey that God values the most and more and more leaders from all sectors of life are looking for this in their choices for working with people.
A lot of what is blowing up businesses, communities, churches and individual lives, has more to about our heart intelligence than perhaps anything else.
This is why God is committed to giving us a new heart. “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel? ?36:26?
What we feel, what we think, how we perceive through our heart and the choices of actions we make from them, God cares about. Especially about how we feel, think and perceive Him.
It’s a heart journey God takes us on. A journey where honor not shame, flavours all He does with us.
This is a revolution.
Want more?
Read more on the Heart Revolution.. Check out my article, Culture Shift – What world are you Living in?
Consider checkout our video e-Course Living Courage – How to Live the Power of Vulnerability at All4Him.Thinkific.com