“Great Change is Upon Us”

“Great Change is Upon Us”
The Holy Spirit’s word to us this Shavout – Pentecost.

“Can you hear the Lion of the tribe of Judah?
He’s doing a new thing!
He’s doing a new thing!
So we are singing a new song.
People get ready. Jesus is coming.
To take the scroll & open the seals.
I can hear the rhythm of the Lion of tribe of Judah.
Because He’s doing a new thing.
So we are singing a new song!”

Misty Edwards – Relentless

“The air is pregnant with possibility – can you feel it?
Heaven itself is longing to invade the natural realm.
Darkness may cover the earth, but God’s glory upon His people is becoming more & more realised, bringing hope to the most hopeless situations.

Like birth pangs signaling the time of delivery;
things are being released in revelation knowledge that have been preserved through the ages for this particular hour.
I’m not talking about new books of the Bible or other holy writings. I’m talking about the Holy Spirit unlocking the very Scritpures we hold in our hands.”

Bill Johnson – Face to Face with God.