There are seeds God is bringing to you right now that relate to your future.
If you find yourself unexpectedly or suddenly where an afternoon gets emptied of pre-organised plans, or you have a dream when normally you don’t dream, or a specific Bible verse or lyric from a song, keeps being highlighted to you, take note, stop and receive what the Lord is wanting to give you.
God is releasing very specific seeds of his word to you for the future and of your future. Some of the seeds He gives you may relate specifically to the next 2 years.
God’s words to us often come as a seed. Jesus said this in, Luke 8:11. “Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.”
A seed is something small. But from a seed, an oak tree becomes. What God gives you today may not feel big, but at the right time it will be!
Zechariah said, “Do not despise these small beginnings..”(4:10)
Catch that little seed no matter how small it may be or how insignificant it may feel to you now. It will be specific. You were made to hear God accurately. Catch it and by faith receive the hearing of His voice.
If what you hear is bigger than what you can do, then its most likely Him! He is supernatural and moves in the impossible.
When you catch it, record it somewhere you will see it. Passivity is the way to kill this seed.
Share it with someone you trust has a good strong connection with Jesus, pray over it and ask Jesus what else you can do with this seed right now.
God is bringing seeds to you for your future and of your future.
We are praying for you!
COMING SOON! Get on the waitlist now!
Experiencing the Awe and Wonder of Intimacy with God will:
~ Equip you with a deeper understanding of the power of intimacy with God. Intimacy with God is an encounter with His unbelievable goodness!
~ How do we keep the affection of our heart on God? Identify which ‘set’, bounded or centered, you are living from and creating in your culture. How do we keep the great enemies of intimacy, fear and performance out and grace in.
~ Identify the process, ‘rings of intimacy’, and what is required in that proces
~ Breakthrough in greater capacity to hear God and experience of the wonder and awe of intimacy with Him
~ Equip you with keys to practice consciousness and awareness of God’s presence. How to keep the Presence of God as the centre of your life and culture you lead
~ Refocus your own life purpose and refocus the culture that you are leading
👉 Engaging short videos (totaling over 1 hour), so you can chew over and chat over if doing with others.
👉 Travel together in community with others via a Private Facebook for the duration of the course
👉 Once a fortnight LIVE session together. These sessions will be recorded and available for reply if you can’t make it.
👉 Itinerary to help you move through the course
👉 Downloadable PDF practical exercises and other resources
👉 Full Lifetime Access
👉 Practical Challenges
This course is Biblically based. It will be fun, enjoyable and practical. It is a safe, sacred place where your learning is yours. I believe it will be life changing!
~ If you desire more with God and to walk in more freedom that His Holy Spirit brings
~ You want to refocus your life purpose
~ If you have just encountered Jesus or have known Him for a long time, this is for you
Pre-order Now