During a visit to a dear friend’s home at Christmas, the Holy Spirit also came in a very powerful way. The presence of God was so strongly present I ended up sitting on my friend’s kitchen floor. It was while doing some ‘floor time’ that I heard these whispers. I submit this to you for your ponderings & conversations with HIM from an Australia awash with floods & heavy rain on an unprecendented level.
Dec 21, 2010
“I am here.
My presence is strong right now.
I am aligning some very important forces now.
Changes are taking place on a powerful level.
This is a once in a generational shift.
A shift that you all will never return to.
Gone is the previous season.
This is the day for the light of foot.
There is an atmospheric speed right now.
I am in the whirlwind.
It is touching down now.
Big breathes now,
big breathes
beloved ones.
There is a shift occuring now so dramatic
so distinct
so different
you will not be able to comprehend
nor recognise this time you live in.
Things are about to so radically change,
you will not recognise your life.
Do not be afraid.
I love you.
I am safe.