
We believe in the Holy Trinity – God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. The Godhead is supernatural and present today. We believe that God is love and sent Jesus to die in our place giving us the only way to relationship with God. By putting our trust in Jesus and walking in faith, we are restored to relationship with God. The person of the Holy Spirit is a mighty counsellor, giving many gifts and empowering to life.

We believe in the Word of God, both Old and New Testaments. They are the inspired words of God, without error, totally reliable and flawless.

We believe that Jesus Christ himself has made peace between Jews and Gentiles by creating in himself one new person from the two groups. We believe in rightly esteeming God’s chosen nation, Israel, and acknowledge their place and anointing in the heart and purposes of God.

We believe that all people are created in the image of God and therefore have dignity, value and deserve honor.

We believe that God has a purpose and plan for every human life. Due to original and continual rebellion against God, people experience a broken disconnect in their relationship with Him and each other. They need to be reconciled with God, themselves and to others.

We believe in the Church. It is the body and bride of Christ. It is a family, connected by God, to worship Him and to make, nurture and send disciples to all nations of the world.

We believe in the Gifts of the Spirit as described in Scriptures. Both the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit reveals the nature of God. 

Relational Affiliations

We have a growing affiliation and relationship with a number of Churches and Ministries Internationally and in Australia

Bethel Church, Redding USA (USA)
Bill Johnson Ministries
Bangor House of God (Ireland, UK)
Embrace Church (Australia)
Emmaus Way Ministries (Israel) 
Evangeliums Zentrum, Munich, (Germany)
Equipped 2 Thrive (USA)
Freedom Fellowship (USA)
John Arnott, Catch the Fire (Australia)
Kris Vallotton
The Hub Harvest Church (Australia)
Harvest Church (Turlock, USA)
His House Fellowship (USA)
ICF Zurich (Switzerland)
Inside Out Worship Ministry (Australia)
Jennifer Eivaz Ministries (USA)
Loving on Purpose (USA)
24/7 Prayer (UK)
MKDirections (Australia)
Mosaik Church, Heidelberg Germany (Germany)
One Church (Australia)
Or Chaim Messianic Congregation, (Colorado USA)
Roma Waterman (Australia)
Succat Hallel, Jerusalem Israel (Israel)
TOS Church, Tuebingen Germany (Germany)
Vineyard Speyer (Germany)
Wycliffe Bible Translators (Australia)
YWAM (Australia, UK)