I believe vulnerability & compassion can change the world. I also believe that these are the foundations for powerful intercession that moves heaven like nothing else does.
Today 100 years ago, 800 Australian Light-horsemen charged Beersheba in Israel, armed with vulnerability & the tangible compassion of God’s heart, took in a day what the British Army had been trying to do for weeks with thousands of men.
“Kings of the Feathers” these Light-Horsemen were known as & history now declares that “the fall of Beersheba swung the battle tide against the Turks in Palestine; and changed the history of the Middle East.” This moment opened the way to Jerusalem & a short moment late on December 9, 1917, the Turks surrendered Jerusalem to the Allies. The 10th Light-horsemen were the first mounted troops to enter the city.
Vulnerability, that one thing we all look for in others but are most hesitant to offer ourselves, surrounded this day. Vulnerability has been defined in recent research as risk, emotional exposure & uncertainty. But it is only in this type of soil that courage grows.
It was later told that an Australian General had in the context of his personal relationship with God received a dream where God gave him the strategies for this charge on Beersheba.
Never underestimate the power of God to communicate His compassion for mankind! His compassion knows no bounds or limitations. And His compassion always has sat in vessels of vulnerability.
Out of dreams & intercession, came the plans for victory.
We are in a season right now, where there is a gentle but clear invitation to intercession. Intercession has always preceded great moves of God’s compassion & Presence.
Intercession is about relationship, about connection. Intercession is a means of connection between God & people. Connection doesn’t exist without giving & receiving. Giving & receiving are fundamental needs of our humanity & of our vulnerability.
Intercession is not about telling God what He should do, it is about giving Him space & receiving His heart, His Presence, & out of that we then declare what Heaven wants on earth. These declarations attract & release angelic movements & assignments. For the Australian Light-Horsemen are not the only Kings of the Feathers!
Ministries, Churches, families, individuals who base themselves in prayer, are the ones God is moving strongest through in this hour, for they believe this is where victory plans are received. After 20 years in Christian ministry, this is still our most treasured space & value. In the heart for His presence, intercession happens & they prophecy what will be. This is God’s protocol. He does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants. (Amos 3:7)
God used one of the smallest, newest, vulnerable nations of the world, Australia who was but 15 years old then, to bring Jerusalem back into the hands eventually of Israel & thereby fulfilling a prophecy of Isaiah who 20 centuries before declared Israel would be birthed in a day.
Today October 31, known for other celebrations, we remember what God did. We remember & shout His praises, His victory that sat on the vulnerability & intercession of His prized possession, humanity.
Today, your vulnerability & your heart of compassion matters. Rested in intercession, you can change the world. Seize this season of heaven’s heart, for battle plans of victory are being released.
* for further reading www.lighthorse.org.au/resources/history-of-the-australian-light-horse/the-mounted-soldiers-of-australia