Celebration or Catastrophe?

2 Min Read

Last Friday I was chatting with a Lecturer and Supervisor at RMIT University. In the course of the conversation he said something that caught my attention. 

He said, “This year’s 4th and 5th year Physiotherapy and Osteopathy students which I teach and supervise, are consistently making assessments of patients that are extreme. I mean extreme. Extreme like Cancer in lungs or a major blood disease.”

When he personally assessed their patient complaints, he found he was consistently asking them to “dial back” their assessments of what might be causing their patient’s pain.  

He said, “It’s like they are stuck in a mindset of ‘this patient is going to die.”

I asked him if he thought a year of global pandemic might of molded a mindset in this year’s students? He acknowledged this was very plausible. 

Catastrophe thinking says, “This is terrible. I’m going to die.” It comes with a panic, anxiety, fear.

Have you experienced something like this in the last few weeks? 

In the last week I have and I’ve seen it hit others. It has washed over those moments of vulnerability, change, busyness and even over areas that we have previously conquered.

It is vital right now that we know that not all of our thoughts are ours!

Revelation 12:10 says, “For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth— the one who accuses them before our God day and night.”

As Pastor Jennifer Eviaz says we need to ask Holy Spirit, “Is this me or the atmosphere? 

Atmospheres like catastrophe are created by human spirits going through a common experience (ie. Pandemics) and they are also spiritual atmospheres created by the Kingdom of Darkness to jump on such vulnerable times to deceive us and turn us away from what is really true, building a stronghold and mindset in us.

If you have suddenly experienced this in the last week, you are experiencing an atmosphere that wants to become a mindset and lifestyle. 

Tonight in Israel Purim begins, the Feast of Esther as it is also known, when there was an imminent catastrophe. The Jewish people were about to be eliminated. This was a “This is terrible! We are about to die” moment for them.

But God consistently does what is contrary, to distinguish who He is. His strategy was throw a celebration, and invite the very ones who activated this catastrophe.

What?? God knows the power of celebration. Somethings can only be shifted, turned around and bought to victory when we celebrate. It is the ultimate expression of confidence, trust and rest.

The city of Jericho witnessed the power of celebration, now Esther a Jewish Queen, whose very life was under threat from this catastrophe, put a celebration in motion.

She did not partner with fear, panic, or the catastrophe narrative of the day. She remembered who God was, and who she was. 

Joy makes us beautiful and powerful. Because it refuses to partner with catastrophe and instead partner with the victory of Jesus over it ALL, including death.

Catastrophe wants to be a hindrance to joy and you standing in your authority in 2021. 

Join us in this prayer…

We cancel and reject this mindset and atmosphere in Jesus name. We will not partner with you and you will not reattach to what has already been won by Jesus in our lives. We declare peace over us and we will not throw away our confidence. We will stand in the spiritual authority give to us by Jesus. In Jesus name! 

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What Others are Saying?

“THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me having part of all what God has revealed to you!!! I so wished I had of known this material years ago! It would of saved me so much hassle and misunderstanding of what was happening around me and within me. God gives us such great gifts but we sure need to be trained in them! Our ignorance can really hurt us, but understanding is so powerful!”

-S. Müller, Switzerland