Can I be free of the Mind Towers?

Prophetic Vision Continued

As each brick pierced into place on these heads, I noticed the bricks were not all the same. Each brick was significantly weighty. While they looked like normal clay bricks, they were not.

They were made of a much heavier compound surprising for its size. Each brick was a different color, a slightly different shape, and on each brick was a word.

These words represented the nature of the chatter in the atmosphere each individual lived, worked or passed through in the journey of life. 

Out the corner of my eye, I saw a deep dark whispy figure. It was evident that this being was orchestrating the chatter. With a flickering glance my eye caught its enticing beauty. It wore the glorious crown and garments of a great prince. No quicker had my eye seen this and I was overwhelmed by a deep horrifying stalking power dripping pure darkness.

The chatter conducted by this was deep dark power of the air, was subservient to him, yet lawless in its nature. The chatter would change volume or weight at times, but was always being manipulated, crafted and present.

The only exception was when the voice of the many waterfalls spoke or when the individual had removed a brick from their head. The presence of the voice that knew the origin of all things emanated a light that acted like a forcefield.

As I leaned in and peered closer I saw towerless heads and other heads with bricks falling from their citadels and towers, and I noticed something else. On their head was growing a warrior’s helmet topped with a crown. The helmet never covered the crown. Both were seen.

I drew back in surprise. It was so obvious that once anyone saw the crown and helmet on an individual’s head, the identity of that person was clear and known. It changed immediately how the chatter encountered and interacted with them. 

They were a completely new creation to what they were when they walked with citadels and towers on their heads. They were mighty, not laden and burdened with weight and veils that disfigured them. They were now shining ones and the atmosphere around them was drenched in peace.

Yet these shining ones walked, lived and worked amidst the chatter as all others did. At times they heard the chatter and bricks tried to sit on their crowns and helmets. Some still had the odd citadel or small tower poking out through their crown. But there was a distinct impression with each glance, those citadels and towers were shrinking smaller and smaller, bricks constantly falling off.

What seemed to be their superpower was awareness. With the veil removed, they could see, hear, feel, perceive the voice of many waterfalls so much more easier. And as they looked at the voice, listened to Him, felt Him, they became skilled at capturing the bricks of chatter that came at them. 

The shining ones would see the name on the brick and respond with a no agreement. They refused to even entertain it. They saw it simply as noise.

Some bricks had the word, noema. Other bricks, logismos was etched. While on others, the word hupso appeared.

The noise coming with the noema brick of chatter always suggested a random thought like “my car is about to crash” or “such and such a person doesn’t like me because they didn’t talk to me today.”

The nature of the logismos brick projected imagined speculations like “what if I have cancer?” “What if I don’t have enough money for…?”  This chatter was characterized always by “what if’s” that preyed on fear and never suggested good things.

And just when the atmosphere was nearly full with noise, the chatter of hupso would swing in for a conquest. Elevating its pitch, volume and presence, hupso always laced the atmosphere with a lofty superior intelligence that philosophized how great, big and mighty the deep dark prince of the air was and how small, powerless and puny the voice of many waterfalls was.


Over the masses hupso could be found. In the nations this philosophical brick of chatter was clearly seen in the citadels and towers in peoples heads. There were many hupso bricks branded with colors, names, manifestos, flags, but they were always the same in nature, posing, lofty, superior and big.

Behind these sponsored adds of destruction stood the dark prince laughing. 

Turning away in haste as they became aware of the chatter going at them, the shining ones knew victory. They were not taunted and guilted by hearing the chatter, for they knew it was not themselves they heard. 

And so they walked upon the earth light and easy of foot and countenance. Their obedience to capture the chatter and cancel its noise over them disarmed and dismantled towers and citadels of darkness not only over them but their linage. Unravelling ribbons of light on the generations that followed from them. Their descendants carrying a genetic DNA that made them and the voice of many waterfalls more glorious, while the tormenting strongholds on the sea of the peoples shook brick by brick falling, exploding shards of light shredded the atmosphere.

And the earth itself sighed. The rocks cried out glory, praise to this voice of many waterfalls. And finally resting, the land restored and healed.

Want To Respond?

Consider praying something like the following: 

King Jesus, I want to live free of all the Devil has put on me and continuously wants to put on me. I receive you as the truth, the life, the way for me. You are the voice of many waters. Teach me how to be more aware of you with me than the chatter around me. Teach me how to reject every thought, every speculation, every high and lofty thinking that goes against the truth of who you are, the victorious one.

King Jesus would you show me right now if I have made any agreement with random thoughts or what ifs which all threaten my security or identity as a loved adored child of God.

Take a moment, pause and listen with your spirit to your heart. Jesus will often answer before you finished the question. He loves to talk to you! He enjoys you so much!

When something comes, I invite you to pray something like the following..

I reject now this thought (and name it), this what if (name it) in Jesus name. I renounce my agreement with it and I choose to accept what you say Jesus instead. 

What do you say to replace that thought or what if? (I invite you to write it down and speak it out over yourself continuously especially when that specific thought comes back, eventually it will stop.)

King Jesus would you show me if I have made any agreement with any thought pattern and philosophy that makes you small and powerless and the devil big, dominate and powerful.

Take a moment, pause and listen with your spirit to your heart. Again Jesus will answer you quickly. Just grab what he says by faith. 

You might hear phrases like:

  • God is not the origin of all things, there is no God, I am alone… 
  • God made me to hate me… 
  • Jesus is not God, He was only a man, a prophet

When something comes, I invite you to pray something like your did before..

I reject now this thought (and name it) in Jesus name. I renounce my agreement or sympathy with it and I choose to accept that you say Jesus instead. What do you say to replace that thought pattern/philosophy?

I receive what you say over the chatter in the atmosphere and I receive it into my heart now by faith. Fill me with your spirit and your courage to keep agreeing with what you say I am and you are to me.

In Jesus name Amen.

SNAP! You’re watching TV and all of a sudden you’re in the pantry looking for a bag of chips when you are not at all hungry.

SNAP! You’ve exploded for no reason biting the head off someone you love.

SNAP! You’re driving along and suddenly realise you ‘zoned’ out and cant remember what the person talking next you said.

SNAP! What if you hit an atmosphere. WHAT IF IT IS NOT YOU?

What is it that you just discerned? How can you not get played by or trigger by atmospheres? How can we deal with them and overwhelm them rather than be overwhelmed by them?

SNAP! God wants to grow the gift of discernment in your life! God wants to empower you to stand in your spiritual authority!


In this Discernment, Atmospheres and Intercession Workshop we will

1. Identify what is Discernment and why is it the most requested, sort after gift by leaders. Identify how God is increasing your ability to recognize His voice and what He is doing.

2. Identify what are atmospheres and look at the Biblical basis for how we shift atmospheres

3. Develop a great understanding and passion for the power of intercession

3. Develop keys to discerning and shifting atmospheres, building on your next level ability in discerning what is soul, what is spirit.

3. Develop new keys for more powerful intercession


This workshop has

~ 4 x 30 min Workshop sessions

~ Practical Challenges

~ Full Lifetime Access

~ 5 x PDF Downloadables

~ 3 Next Level Discernment and Atmospheres Chat Along Sessions

This is a safe, sacred place where your learning is yours. 

The central purpose of this Workshop is to ignite and strengthen your connection with God to another level and develop your discernment of His presence with you. This Workshop will help you steward His Presence in all spheres of your life; be it in your own home, in your vocation, with your family or faith community.


~ If you hungry for more of God and want to understand, grow in the gift of Discernment and Intercession

~ If you have felt tired, stuggling for clear purpose and hearing God.

~ Leadership – essential Professional Development. If you have been or are in any form of Christian leadership and want more of God

~ Parents – having used this material in our family, it’s transformed how we do life together and how we love Jesus together as a family


“At a time when we, as the church, need to proactively and powerfully walk in God’s truth, Helen’s workshop offers critical insights and practical help in daily discernment. This session is invaluable for those seeking to not only be aware of spiritual influences but to rise above them in God’s strength.” 

– Pastor Alison, Australia