Camping around His Presence!!!


Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot in Israel) begins sundown today!

Time of joy & worship in Israel when they remember God’s kindness & faithfulness in the wilderness reaffirming their trust in Him. It was during this time that they lived in Sukkah’s, tents or booths also known as Tabernacles. But it wasn’t just the people of Israel who lived in these tabernacles, God himself chose to dwell in a Sukkah. Such is God’s pursuit of us, that the King of the Universe, chose to live in a tent!

The picture here is outstanding! A nation of people ‘camping out’ around the presence of God who camped with them!

The people of God on a journey! This was infact the definition Vatican 2, came up with in the 1960’s for Church… people of God on a journey.

And we do it best, when we are camped around Him, around His Presence!

All nations are called to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts at this time! (In Zech 14:16-17)

Rain is the prophesised result of this time of worship. (Zeph 14:17) It was at this Feast Jesus declared, He was the water which we could drink of & be satisfied!

For sometime now & especially during this incredible time of Feast of Tabernacles, I contemplate the question… at what point in Church History did we stop camping out around His Presence & begin ‘camping’ around sermons?

I invite you to take a time over these next 7 days & ‘camp out’ around Him in worship!

For more information, check out this brilliant website by Biblical teacher Ray Vander Laan who passionately loves Jesus & in doing so has studied under 5 different Rabbis in Israel to understand Jesus the Jew more!

Jewish Feasts | That the World May Know