Morgan is 11 yrs old. She lives in San Fransisco, USA.

Right now, Morgan is the only one in her family who believes in Jesus. She lives in a very abusive home.

1 ½ yrs ago she decided to accept & receive Jesus. Alicia, a leader in a local church where Morgan lives, had been the one who introduced her to Jesus.

A few weeks ago, Alicia was talking with Morgan about setting aside a space at her home to be with God because of all that she was experiencing in it. Morgan decided that Jesus could have her room. So she told him. She told Jesus that he could come in & rearrange her room in any way he wanted, cause it was HIS room. Then she added, “But please tap me on the shoulder at school so when I come home I know it was you that moved things & not my sister or anyone else so I don’t get mad at them.”

Alicia then explained the story of King David who as a boy was anointed with oil by the prophet Samuel to be set apart for a specific purpose. She shared with Morgan that both people & things were anointed to be set apart for God. So with the child’s wonder Morgan asked Jesus what she should anoint with oil to make it his. She had very specific places. First it was over her door. She run & put oil on the door exclaiming to a watchful Alicia, “then when I walk in the room, I know I am walking into that special space for God.” Next came the windows. And then in this last week, she anointed the mirror. She told Alicia it was because “then every time she saw herself, she would see herself as God’s princess.” She has also put up some special bible verses, cause it reminded her that it was his room.

Morgan also asked Jesus to clean up whatever he wanted in her room. One day a week ago, she walked into the room to find that Jesus had polished the floor. All the scratches, marks & scuffs were gone. She was so excited. Jesus was making her room, his.